


翻译:Confucius said, “ Ran Yong can be a lord.”



翻译:Zhong Gong asked Confucius what he thinks of Sang Botzu. Confucius said, “Not so bad. He does everything simply and clearly.” Zhong Gong said, “Isn’t

it fine or acceptalole to administer people with a thorough plan and simple action? Plan is crude and action is careless. Isn’t it too careless?” Confucius said, “You are right.”



翻译:Ai Gong, lord of the country Lu asked, “Who is the best one to love study among your students?” Confucius replied, “There is one named Yan Hui. He

was never gray with anyone. He never made same mistakes. Unfortunately he died young. Now there is no longer a person the same devoted as him. I’ve never hear anyone who love study.”



翻译:Zi Hua was sent to the country Qi on a diplomatic mission. Ran Tzu asked

Confucius to give some rice to Zi Hua’s mother. Confucius said, “Give 100 pounds.” Ran Tzu said, “Give a little more please.” Confucius said, “Add forty 

pounds.” But Ran Zi gave two thousand pounds. Confucius said, “I’ve learned in the country Lu, Zi Hua takes splendid carriage and wears beautiful clothes.

Gentlemen give relief only to the poor but don’t add property to the rich.”



翻译:Yuan Si served Confucius’s family as a butler. Confucius gave him 900 pounds of rice, but Yuan Se refused. Confucius said, “Don’t refuse. If you think

it more than enough, you can give the superfluous part to your neighbors.”



翻译:When commenting on Zhong Gong, Confucius said, “If a farm cattle breeds a calf with red hair and elegant horns, the mountain and river spirits cannot abandon this calf, can they?”



翻译:Confucius said, “Yan Hui can keep humanity and virtue unchanged for a long time, but my other students can keep them unchanged only for a short period.”



翻译:Ji Kangtzi asked, “Is Zhong You capable to be in charge of government affairs?” Confucius said, “Zhong You is resolute in action. Will it be difficult for

him to be in charge of government affairs?” Ji Kangtzi asked, “Is Duanmu Ci capable to be in charge of government affairs?” Confucius said, “Duanmu Ci

is philosophic. Will it be difficult for him to be in charge of government affairs?” Ji Kangtzi asked, “Is Ran Qiu capable to be in charge of government affairs?”

Confucius said, “Ran Qiu is talent. Will it be difficult for him to be in charge of government affairs?”



翻译:Ji sent someone to ask Min Tzujian to be an official in the county Mi. Min Tzujian said to the man, “Please refuse for me. If you come again, I’ll be on the other side of Wen River.”



翻译:Bo Niu was ill. Confucius went to see him and held his hand from outside the window and said, “I should have to lose this man. It is that I’m doomed

to lose him. Such a person should have got this sort of disease! Such a person should have got this sort of disease!”



翻译:Confucius said, “How noble-minded Yan Hui is! With only a basket of rice and a ladleful of water, he lives in a shabby lane. Other people cannot endure

this sort of hard life. But Yan Hui never changed his optimistic nature. How noble-minded Yan Hui is!”



翻译:Ran Qiu said, “It’s not that I don’t like your doctrine but I’m lack of a tremendous capacity.” Confucius said, “If lack of a tremendous capacity, one will stop halfway. You have not started but you’re unwilling to go forward.”



翻译:Confucius said to Zi Xia, “You should be a scholar of gentleman type but not a scholar of vugarian type.”



翻译:Zi You got the position of mayor of Wucheng City. Confucius asked, “Have you got any persons of talent?” Zi You replied, “There is a man named Dantai

Mieming. He never goes astray and doesn’t come to my room if having no official business to do.”



翻译:Confucius said, “Meng Zhifan never praised himself. When fighting a battle, he always covered the retreat in the back of his own accord. When entering

the city gate, he whipped his horse and quickly passed through the crowded welcomers, saying, ‘It’s not that I’ve got the guts to keep behind but that my horse runs not so quickly.”



翻译:Confucius said, “If a person isn’t eloquent as Zhu Tuo but only has a beautiful face like Song Chao’s, he can never avoid disasters throughout his life.”



翻译:Confucius said, “Who can go out of a door without going through this door? Why nobody takes my way?”



翻译:Confucius said, “If a person’ s characters of honesty and simplicity surpass his rich and bright colors in literature, he’ll say rude things and behave boorishly;

yet if on the contrary, he’ll grandiloquent in language but conduct frivolously. Only by properly combining these two factors, both refined and courteous, can he become a gentleman.”



翻译:Confucius said, “Only an honest person can enjoy a happy life; sometimes a dishonest person can also enjoy a peaceful life, but he can avoid disasters only by pure luck.”



翻译:Confucius said, “Knowing the importance of study is not so good as loving study; loving study is not so good as taking pleasure from study.”



翻译:Confucius said, “As for a person with an upper-middle-class gift, you can study with him profound learning; as for a person with a lower-middle-class gift, you cannot study with him profound learning.”



翻译:Fan Chi asked something about sensibleness, Confucius said, “Whatever you do, you must submit to the public will. You respect religion but keep yourself

far away from it. This can be considered sensibleness.” Fan Chi asked about humanity. Confucius said, “If you can be the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts, then it can be considered humanity.”



翻译:Confucius said, “Wise people love water. Benevolent people love mountains.Wise people love to be active. Benevolent people love to be calm. Wise people are happy. Benevolent people enjoy longevity.”



翻译:Confucius said, “Through reformation, the system of the country Qi can reach the level of the country Lu and the system of the country Lu can be put on the right track.”



翻译:Confucius said, “This wine-container does not like a wine-container. Can it be considered a wine-container? Can it be considered a wine-container?”



翻译:Zai Wo asked, “A benevolent person is told that a benevolent person fell into a well. Can he follow him and jump into the well? ” Confucius said, “Why

does he do this sort of thing? A gentleman can go to the well to rescue the man,but he cannot make himself fell into the well. A gentleman may be cheated but he cannot act blindfold.”



翻译:Confucius said, “Song long as keeping extensive study, observing disciplines and abiding by the law, a gentleman can avoid going astray.”



翻译:Confucius went to see Nan Zi, Zi Lu was unhappy. Confucius swore, “If I do something wrong, let the heaven condemn me! Let the heaven condemn me!”


白话:孔子说: “作为一种道德,中庸该是最高境界了吧!很久以来人们就已经缺少这种道德了。”

翻译:Confucius said, “As a sort of virtue, mean should be the highest state! But people have lacked this virtue for a long time.”



翻译:Zi Gong said to Confucius, “Supposing there is a person who can relieve the broad masses by providing them much material benefit, what do you think

of him? Can he be considered one of humanity?” Confucius said, “Far more than that. He’s simply a sage! Even Yao and Shun couldn’t reach this state.

As far as a man of humanity is concerned, he should help others to rely on themselves when he himself wants to stand on his own legs, and help others to rise in the world when he himself wants to get a vigorous development in

his own cause. Whenever doing anything, he should take himself as an example and then ‘do unto others what you would do unto yourself’. This can be considered a way to put humanity into practice.”