


英 译:Confucius said, “Learn something and then review and practice it frequently.Isn’t it a pleasure? Have friends coming from afar. Isn’t it a joy? Not being well understood, but I neither complain nor get angry. Isn’t it a gentleman bearing?”


白 话:有子说:“在孝敬父母、顺从兄长的同时,却总想触犯上级,这样的人是很少见的。既不想触犯上级,却又想造反的人是没有的。君子致力于解决根本问题,根本问题解决了,治国做人的原则也就有了。而孝敬父母、顺从兄长,这就是做人的根本!”

英 译:You Zi said, “There are seldom persons who show filial devotion to their parents and obedience to their brothers but offend their superiors at the same

time. And there are absolute no persons who are not insubordinate to their superiors but like to rebel against their superiors. Gentlemen give all their minds

to fundamental affairs. So long as a solid foundation is laid, the principles will come into being which help one administer a country and conduct himself.

Showing filial devotion to parents and obedience to brothers is the foundation for a person to conduct himself.”


白 话:孔子说:“花言巧语,装出和颜悦色的样子,这种人的仁心就很少了。”

英 译:Confucius said, “Talking plausibly with feign amiable looks, people of this sort are scarcely benevolent.”


白 话:曾子说:“我每天多次反省自己,为别人办事是否尽心尽力?同朋友交往是否诚实可信?老师传授的知识是否复习了?”

英 译:Zeng Zi said, “Everyday I examine myself many times. Do I do my best when doing things for others? Am I honest and reliable when associating with

friends? Whether do I review and practise what my teachers teach me?


白 话:孔子说: “治理一个拥有一千辆兵车的国家,就要严谨地办理国家大事而又恪守信用,节约开支而又爱惜人才,教百姓不误农时”。

英 译:Confucius said, “When administering a country in possession of a thousand military chariots, you should strictly and cautiously handle the major national

affairs, keep your promises, cut down expenses and value talented people, and remind farmers not to miss the farming season.”


白 话:孔子说:“弟子们在父母跟前,就孝顺他们;出门在外,要顺从师长,言行要谨慎,要诚实可信,寡言少语,要广泛地去爱众人,亲近那些有仁德的人。这样躬行实践之后还有余力的话,就再去学习文献知识。”

英 译:Confucius said, “Together with your parents, you should show filial devotion and obedience to them; while out of home, you should obey your teachers.

Words and deeds should be cautious. Keep honest and reliable and taciturn. Show universal love to the broad masses and be close to the noble-minded

persons. If still having some leeway after earnestly practising what you advocate above, you should study historical documents and try to learn more knowledge.”


白 话:子夏说:“一个人能够看重贤德而不以女色为重;侍奉父母,能够竭尽全力;服侍君主,能够献出自己的生命;同朋友交往,说话诚实,恪守信用。这样的人,尽管他自己说没有学习过,我说他一定已经学习过了。”

英 译:Zi Xia said, “If a person pays much attention to his morality but not to feminine charms, does his best to show filial devotion and obedience to his

parents, serves his lord sparing no sacrifice, keeps honest and reliable with friends, I should definitely say that he has once studied the historical documents even if he himself denies.”


白 话:孔子说:“君子,不庄重就没有威严;学习可以使人不闭塞;要以忠信为主,不要同与自己不同道的人交朋友;有了过错,就不要怕改正。”

英 译:Confucius said, “As far as a gentleman is concerned, he cannot become a man of high prestige if he does not behave solemnly. Study can help one

avoid being ill-imformed. Do everything according to honesty and reliability. Do not make friends with anyone who does not cherish the same ideals and take

the same course as you do. So long as there is a mistake, you should not be afraid of correcting it.”


白 话:曾子说:“谨慎地处理父母的丧事,追念久远的祖先,自然会使老百姓日趋忠厚老实了。”

英 译:Zeng Zi said, “Be cautious to deal with the death of your parents and remember to mourn for your ancestors frequently. If so, you can certainly make people behave honestly.”


白 话:子禽子贡说:“老师到了一个国家,总是要过问这个国家的政事。这种特权是他自己求得呢,还是人家国君主动给他的呢?”子贡说:“老师温良恭俭让,所以才得到这样的特权,但他对这一特权求取的方法,或许与别人的不同吧?”

英 译:Zi Qin asked Zi Gong, “Whenever our teacher visits a country, he always asks something about its government affairs. Is this privilege required by himself or is it given to him by the lord of the country?” Zi Gong said, “Our teacher

is gentle, kind, respectful, simple, frugal and modest, so he can get the privilege. Yet, his way is maybe different from that of others, isn’t it?”


白 话:孔子说:“当他父亲在世的时候,要观察他的志向;在他父亲死后,要考察他的行为;如果他对父亲的合理主张长期不加以改变,这样的人就可以说是尽到孝了。”

英 译:Confucius said, “You should observe his ambition when a person’s father is still alive; if his father passes away, you should observe his action. If he can

keep the reasonable thought of his father unchanged for three years, he can be considered filial.”


白 话:有子说:“礼的应用,以和谐为重。古代君主的治国方法,最难能可贵的地方正是在这里。不过无论大事小事只顾按和谐的原则去做,有时却又行不通。原因就是为和谐而和谐,不以礼来规范和谐,也是行不通的。”

英 译:You Zi said, “When putting standards of morality into practice, the important thing is harmony. As for ways of country-governing of the ancient lords, anything

praiseworthy lies just in here. Yet, if you handle everything, big or small, simply though harmony, sometimes you just cannot succeed. The reason is that

harmony cannot justify itself but proprieties can help standardize harmony.”


白 话:有子说:“讲信用要符合义,这样才能实行;恭敬要符合礼,这样才能远离耻辱;所依赖的都是可靠的人,这一点很值得学习。”

英 译:You Zi said, “You should keep honesty in line with righteousness. Only by doing so can you carry out your words. Respectfulness must agree with

standards of morality. Only this can help you avoid shame. Make sure that all people whom you rely on are reliable. This point is well worth learning.”


白 话:孔子说:“君子吃不求饱、住不求安、做事机敏、言谈谨慎、接近德高望重者以完善自己,这就算好学。”

英 译:Confucius said, “Gentlemen seek neither sufficient food nor comfortable lives, but they are nimble in action and cautions in words and go to noble-minded

people so as to perfect themselves day by day. If they do like this, then they can be thought perfect in learning.”


白 话:子贡说:“贫穷而能不谄媚,富有而能不骄傲自大,怎么样?”孔子说:“这也算可以了。但是还不如虽贫穷却乐于道,虽富裕而又好礼之人。”子贡说:“《诗》上说,‘要像对待骨、角、象牙、玉一样,切磋它,琢磨它’,讲的就是这个意思吧?”孔子说:“赐呀,我可以同你谈论《诗》了,因为你从我讲过的话中,既能领悟从前,又能预知未来。”

英 译:Zi Gong said, “Poor but not fawning , rich but not arrogant. What do you think?” Confucius said, “Not so bad. But still, it is somewhat far from the norms

that a man is poor but ready to follow right doctrines, rich but ready to follow standards of morality.” Zi Gong said, “The Book of Songs said, ‘to treat it like

carving and polishing bones, horns, ivory and jade.’ Does it mean the same?” Confucius said, “Now I can discuss The Book of Songs with you because from what I said you can comprehend the past and foretell the future.”


白 话:孔子说:“不怕别人不了解自己,只怕自己不了解别人。”

英 译:Confucius said, “Don’t be afraid that others don’t understand you. You should be afraid that you don’t understand others.”